T. Schelling’s Definition Based Political Economy

2024, New Year

2024, New Year (but with an anxiety)

 Beginning of the year, 2024, we learned an anxiety.

First day

 The first day of 2024, I have done a tradition of Japan, it is HATSUMOUDE[初詣](visiting temples[or shrine] on first day of each years: it is of tradition of Japan like ancient Greek.)
 I have visited on sone of temples, have met my friend, and have come the night, then I learned that the earthquake of Ishikawa prefecture is critical.
 However, when I learned it, the time was getting late, I just sent some of mails to encourage my friends who might contribute the felief of Ishikawa prefecture.

 The bonfire has carried out on a shrine in the my neighbourhood. It is a ceremony barring the items refered to shrines, that was replaced for new items.


 Since I had accepted a part that had to act the supporter of our university playing the race, HAKONE-EKIDEN, I had gone to the supporting point at about 7 a. m. After we carried it out, because I have minded the earthquake, I met a person of Japanese government and told him that I was desiring him to contribute the relief of the people affected by the earthquake.

 Although the supporting point, NAMAMUGI, is not well-known, many of suppliers have come.


 The third, we also have supported on the same poind. (but it’s on the opposite side of the road.) On that day, I have gotten a mail from my friend, and he said that, on the city of KANAZAWA, even though the damages are small, but it’s enough to collapse his concrete masonry garden wells. On that day, I sent a mail to a representative I have known from a decade ago.

 Their effort was very good, the team of our university have gotten the sixth prize.


 I received the message, the reply of yesterday’s mail sending, that is satisfactory.
 Due to the movies, I have tested to have mainds to praise the public rescue teams, police, and the like who had come from the other prefectures.

 The movie is to express about the damage and the rescue teams including the other prefectures.(Its language is just Japanese.)


 I have learned by some news channels, that AICHI Prefecture, NAGOYA City and TAKAYAMA City have decided to receive the affected people with satisfactory care. It was remarked on 4th. And MIE Prefecture have also decided on 5th.

【YOMIURI SHINBUN, January 4th (Its language is just Japanese.)】

【YOMIURI SHINBUN, January 5th (Its language is just Japanese.)】


 I have learned by some news channels, that SAYAMA City have decided to receive the affected people, preparing a hundred of houses with no change. It was remarked on 5th.

【MAINITI SHINBUN, January 5th (Its language is just Japanese.)】

 Emergency recue is very important. However it hard to be accompanied because the number of persons who can be brought an affected area is limited. Therefore we, not specialists of rescue practically, have no power to rescue on the spot even though we cannot like the fact.
 Nevertheless the decision to host the affected people in other prefectures or cities is not only to reassure them but to really contribute the direct rescue activities. Bringing the people suffering minor injuries to the safe towns could reduce the rescue resources on the area for the people and the resources can be assigned for the serious injuries.Otherwise they could not decide to be assigned unless the hosting is enough to satisfy the people and certain.
 In addition, if the satisfactory hosting system is not organized, the affected people could not make the plans to reconstruct their life, or the plans more good, that is a matter suffering their mainds with anxieties.
 The situation, the earthquake disaster of NOTO-peninsula in 2024, has a challenge that is hard to bring the rescue crews and goods to the affected area due to the damage of the roads and the ports. it continues now (January 13, 2024).
 Using economical method, optimizing the distribution of the crews and the goods, bringing the affected people to the other prefectures must be required, and that contribute the optimization of the power of the crews for the more serious victims, the indirect contribution for rescue teams. And, of course, it is also important to give the people slightly suffering something helping to their efforts to reconstruct their life.
 On the race, HAKONE-EKIDEN, the team of our university also has a harsh reality that they recently got the death of their team mate, however, we must get harsh destiny many times, nevertheless, we would have to step forward if we be living as human beings.
 In addition, a question arose, though we have learned that the ships known as “landing ships” are very useful, and they have been working well, why the transportation is not easy?
 The answer may be that the number of the ships is not enough, in fact the number of the ships possessed by Japanese government is only three.

Cargo helicopters seem to take off from Komatsu Air Base and to carry the goods from landing ship “OHSUMI” in order to bring the goods to the affected area. Perhaps, adapting the characteristic that the flight range of helicopters is generally reduced, they take the way.

 The number of the ships, three, would be small compared to the other nations.

The number of landing ships
(over 4,000t)
GNIGNI per capita
U.S54 ships$21,286 billion$394 billion
China37 ships$14,623 billion$395 billion
Russia20 ships
(some of ships was lost in war)
$2,193 billion$109 billion
S.Korea10 ships$1,650 billion$165 billion
Japan3 ships$5,156 billion$1,718 billion

 Although Russians does not have a large number of landing ships, but they have many of helicopters and aircrafts that is able to even carry armoured vehicles.
 The ship, amphibious assault ship, might be felt as an aggressive, nevertheless, the ships that be able to transport and to support the small ships and helicopters must be suitable for Japan that has many of small islands and are isolated by the sea that has hard seastate and long distance where the small ships and helicopters hard to trip. Therefore, Japan should get more the ships.
 Furthermore, the helicopter, CH-47 Chinook, is also suitable for rescue operations, however, the helicopter is not suitable for the operations using the support by ships, for example, the helicopter has its brades that cannot be collapsible. However the technology is not hard, so, if we order the marker to add the ability into the helicopter, it would perhaps be possible.

January 13, 2024 (transrated on 31) 
Nihon Thomas Shelling’s Political Economy Association T.T.Nakamura [中村寿徳] 

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